Flip The Table

A rage-qutting dexterity game.


2-6 Players | 20′ | 8+
Color Printer | Chip board

You Provide

  • 8 sheets of chipboard (2mm – 3mm)
  • Full-sheet label paper, or regular paper and glue sticks or spray-on adhesive
  • 6 player scoring tokens
  • A table (will not be flipped)

Build Instructions

  1. Print pages 6-21 on full sheet label paper, if you’re using that.
  2. Make the tables
    1. Mount the player tables onto the chipboard, one color at a time. Make sure that the two sides of the chipboard are aligned so that when you cut out the tables you have the same table on both sides of the tile.
    2. Cut the tables out on the lines
  3. Make the platforms (optional – you can also use pill boxes or a chessex dice box or similar)
    1. Mount the platforms (p18-19) to chipboard, one per page.
    2. Cut out each color
    3. Cut each color down the middle into two halves
    4. Cut out the notches
    5. Fold each piece in half on the lines
    6. Fit the notches of each piece into one another to assemble the platform into a box that is open on both ends.
    7. Stand the platform up on one open side. The tables are launched from atop the other open side
  4. Make the player mats, showroom floor and score track
    1. Mount pages 20-21 onto chipboard. You may use thinner chipboard or posterboard if your wish
    2. Cut out the pieces on the lines
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